RECs reviewing health-related research

Research Ethics Committees

Short description of REC system

There are 2 ethics committees on biomedical research involving human subjects, that review all kind of human studies (including psychological and behavioral studies), biomedical research and clinical trials:

Research Ethics Committee of the University of Tartu

Tallinn Ethics Committee On Medical Research (at the National Health Development Institute)

The RECs submit annual reports to the State Agency of Medicines and to the government bodies of their institution and exchange information with each other. Both RECs are obliged to publish on their websites all research projects approved during the year.

Networking between RECs

Estonia has 2 RECs and they regularly communicate with each other. RECs have twice per year seminars and currently update information.

Local EUREC Member

Kristi Louk
Research Ethics Committee
University of Tartu

Ülikooli 18
50090 Tartu