RECs for non-health-related research in Poland
Almost all universities in Poland have RECs for non-health-related disciplines. These committees are decentralized and operate independently of each other, although they share similar procedures and applicant requirements. While many operate at the faculty level, some institutions have both faculty-specific and university-wide committees at the same time. Many RECs specifically focus on reviewing psychology-related research.
For example, the University of Gdańsk established a central committee in 2023, replacing the previous three faculty-specific committees: REC in the Faculty of Social Sciences, REC in the Faculty of Humanities, and REC in the Faculty of Economics. The REC in the Faculty of Social Sciences used to receive the highest number of applications (ten times more than the other faculty-specific RECs), largely due to submissions from psychologists. Currently, the central committee reviews applications from all faculties concerning research involving human subjects, although not exclusively, for example, social media research is also covered.
At Gdańsk University, central REC includes representatives from various disciplines, such as psychology, sociology, pedagogy, law, linguistics, management, economics, and mathematics (including the head of the artificial intelligence department). On the other hand, expertise in understanding the foundations and principles of science, the social responsibility of science, and a broader awareness of the complexity of ethical issues could be improved.
The central committee at Gdańsk University is appointed by the Rector and reports to the Vice-Chancellor for Research. It is supported by the Office of Science, which operates under the same pro-rector. A designated person in the Office of Science manages tasks such as receiving and archiving applications and coordinating committee meetings.
Gdańsk University’s central REC has streamlined its work by standardizing the application forms into an electronic format since the beginning of 2024. These forms include specific questions addressing all relevant research ethics issues related to the research project. Between April 25, 2024, and June 25, 2024, the committee processed 30 protocols.
The average timespan from submitting a project application to a non-health-related REC at Gdańsk University until the review is completed is one month. Each project application is evaluated by two REC members. If there are uncertainties, the applicant is asked to revise the application and resubmit it for further review. Sometimes, the two evaluations provided by the reviewers may differ significantly, requiring the Chair to make the final decision.
Report contributor and national contact: Krystyna Adamska